writer: Sarah Williams
Last year I started hosting a supper club and we often have a theme, both for the food and the attire. Our next one is the 1990s themed which has had me thinking back on all my favorites from growing up. For food, our main dish will be bagel bites with goldfish as an appetizer and teddy grahams for dessert. (We usually have more legitimate, homemade dishes but are trying to keep on theme here with some of our childhood favorites.) Some friends are bringing a crockpot of Chef Boyardee ravioli while others are bringing gushers, bugles, and dunkaroos. Because it seems the 90s only consisted of horribly processed food, I put out a call for something remotely healthy and one creative friend committed to bring “ants on a log” which took me right back to kindergarten snack time. I’ll be curious to see what people come up with for their attire but I’m hoping to track down some old concert t-shirts from something like N-Sync or the Spice Girls and maybe even crimp my hair and add in some butterfly clips.
I say all this to point out the W.W.J.D. bracelet and how this supper club theme got me thinking about it lately. Do y’all remember those? For any of you who may have forgotten or missed that fashion trend, they were neon fabric bracelets with W.W.J.D. sewn in standing for “What would Jesus do?”. I feel like everyone and their mother wore them in the 1990s. I used to wear mine every day. It got me thinking: what if I wore one daily again as a visible reminder to stop and think how Jesus would act, especially as we head into this tense election season?
What if all of us brought back the W.W.J.D bracelet, as a fashion statement and a mindset?
What if we were reminded throughout our days, our social media posting, our conversations, etc. to stop and think “what would Jesus do?”? I’m not even talking about which candidate to vote for or which way to take a stance on social issues.
I’m talking about being people who, regardless of their candidate or stance, “encourage each other and build each other up” (1 Thes. 5:11), are “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” (James 1:19), and “do not judge others” (Matt. 7:1) – just to name a few things scripture calls us to do.
I know I definitely didn’t live that out in the last election and have a lot of room to grow toward living out W.W.J.D. with my actions as the impeachment, election, international politics, etc. polarize so much of our society. Do your words and actions set you apart as someone who tries to live like Jesus? I think it would be incredibly powerful if we, as a body of believers, could be in the world but not of it as these tensions in our society build. What an example we could set.
Regardless of your party or your candidate, I invite you to join me in bringing back W.W.J.D., if not as a fashion statement, at least as a mindset.